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Virt-Manager is a powerful graphical tool that allows you to manage virtual machines on your Linux system
Obtain the OVA file containing the VirtualBox virtual machine image that you want to convert. Make sure you know the file’s location on your system. In our case is ipv6.ova.
An OVA file is essentially an archive that contains the virtual machine disk image and its metadata. Extract the contents of the OVA file to a folder using tar archive extraction tool:
tar -xvf ipv6.ova
The file CursoIPv6br-CORE4.6-20150318-disk1.vmdk was generated.
The disk image inside the OVA is typically in VMDK format, which is not directly compatible with qcow2. Open a terminal or command prompt and navigate to the folder where you extracted the OVA contents. Run the following command to convert the VMDK file to qcow2:
qemu-img convert CursoIPv6br-CORE4.6-20150318-disk1.vmdk ipv6.qcow2 -O qcow2
You have successfully converted a VirtualBox virtual machine image in OVA format to a QCOW2 image format compatible with the libvirt virtualization platform. You can use the QCOW2 image to create and run virtual machines in virt-manager, so:
sudo mv ipv6.qcow2 /var/lib/libvirt/images
sudo chown libvirt-qemu:libvirt-qemu /var/lib/libvirt/images/ipv6.qcow2
windows 11
We will guide you through the process of installing Windows 11 on Virt-Manager.
Adionar backports no /etc/apt/sources.list
deb bullseye-backports main
sudo apt install -t bullseye-backports swtpm-tools qemu-kvm bridge-utils virt-manager libosinfo-bin ovmf -y
Criar uma máquina virtual no virt-manager e apontar para iso do windows 11, marcar a opção “Personalisar a configuração antes da Instalação”
Click on SATA Disk 1. Under details click on Advanced options. Choose the disk bus as VirtIO, and leave the hard disk type as qcow2.
In the Add new virtual hardware window, click on Graphics, and choose Graphics type as VNC Server, and click on Finish.
Click on Add hardware. Select storage, click on Manage to attach the virtio driver that you have downloaded. Choose the Device type as CDROM Device. Click on Finish.
No boot SATA CDROM1 e depois VIRTIO DISK 1
Click on CPU, Choose the current allocations to 4.
Under topology, Select manually set CPU topology. Select socket as 1. Core as 2. Thread as 2.
Add the TPM as below.
Model – You will see two models, choose TIS, Backend – select Backend as Emulated. Version – 2.0
Click on the Overview option during the VM installation and change the following settings.
Chipset – i440FX Firmware – UEFI x86_64:/usr/share/OVMF/OVMF_CODE.fd
Iniciar Instalação - tecla para boot
You won’t be able to find the hard disk that you have added,
Click on Load driver. In the prompt, click on OK. We have to choose windows 11 driver here
Exporting virtual machine to another PC
Verifando nome da VM:
sudo virsh list --all
sudo virsh dumpxml win11-22H2 > win11-22H2.xml
Verificando discos associados:
sudo virsh domblklist win11-22H2
É uma boa ideia remover os discos dos CDROMS associados a VM. Copiar o arquivo xml e o disco (qcow2) para a nova máquina:
Na nova máquina colocar o arquivo xml e o disco (qcow2) nos respectivos destinos:
sudo cp win11-22H2.xml /etc/libvirt/qemu
sudo cp win11-22H2.qcow2 /var/lib/libvirt/images
Na nova máquina:
cd /etc/libvirt/qemu
virsh define win11-22H2.xml